Zelenetsky Yuri Andreevich
Academic degree: none |
Zelenetsky Yuri Andreevich was born on April 1, 1947. In 1971 he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Electrical Insulation and Cable Engineering. Since 1971, he has been working at the Microprovod plant, holding the positions of head of the technical bureau, head of the shop, chief engineer, executive director. Currently, he is the head of the scientific and technical center of JSC "Plant "Microprovod".
Zelenetsky Yu.A. is a leading specialist in the production of winding wires, a representative of factory science, who has made a significant contribution to the development of electrical insulation and cable science and technology.
He has carried out major work on the development of technology for the production of a number of new designs of enameled wires, which are the basis of all electrical products. The preparation of production has been carried out and the production of unique thinnest wires, wires with an additional adhesive layer and increased mechanical strength of insulation, wires with increased breakdown voltage, multicomponent structures of an electrical insulation coating resistant to aggressive media and water, etc. has been mastered. Currently, he is leading the development of the concept of enameled wires for new generation electrical products, enameled wire production technology for superconducting magnetic systems; with his participation, the design of a highly reliable electrical insulation coating of conductive cable cores for submersible pumps of oil production is being developed.
Has 2 patents for inventions and utility models. He has published 12 printed works. He has repeatedly made presentations at intersectoral and industry seminars and conferences. In the editorial board of the journal, he conducts topics on winding wires and materials for their manufacture.
He has state awards. He was awarded the title of "Honorary Machine Builder", he is a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology.