Rules for submitting scientific articles
■ Articles complying with the subject of the journal are accepted for publication. Materials published earlier, as well as those accepted for publication in other print media, are not accepted.
■ Manuscripts of scientific and technical articles, including those submitted by post-graduates, are accepted for publication free of charge. All articles of scientific and technical content are published if they receive a positive review.
■ Manuscripts prepared with violation of the present “Rules for submitting scientific articles”, the authors of which refuse to technically revise the manuscript, as well as articles the authors of which fail to accept grounded comments of the reviewer or fail to contradict them on a reasonable basis, are not accepted for publication.
■ Each article shall have attached the following: an abstract of up to 0.5 pages, key words and information about the authors (name of organization, position, academic degree and academic title, postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail).
■ The following structure of articles is considered optimal: a brief introductory part with a clear wording and description of the problem under discussion, a content-related part, specific conclusions proceeding from the material presented, a list of references.
■ Proofs of formulas in the text, as a rule, are not given. The use of mathematical tools is limited to the extent required to cover the substantive part of the article.
■ All materials should be typed in WORD text editor and stored in DOC or RTF format. An electronic version is provided for publication (sent by e-mail or on CD storage medium, flash-drive, and floppy-disk). Exceptionally, a hard copy (a printout) of the article in 2 copies may be submitted.
■ Captions should be typed immediately after the figure reference after the end of the paragraph and they should be separated from the main text with one additional interval both above and below. The same applies to table names.
■ The text should be typed with due attention paid to the proper use of the “dash” and “hyphen” signs, as well as spaces in the text.
■ The cited literature should be provided as a general list at the end of the article. Literature sources should be numbered and arranged into a bibliographic list in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018 “Bibliographic reference”. For periodicals, surnames and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the issue, and pages are indicated. For books – the surnames and initials of all authors, the title of the book, the name of the publishing house, the city and year of publication, the number of pages. It is not allowed to indicate one or several authors with the postscript “et al.” Foreign sources are given in the original spelling. In the text of the document, references to literary sources should be given in square brackets, for example, [4], the numbering order should be sequential – as links appear in the text. The list of references should not include nonpublished materials, materials for official use only, as well as not widely spread editions.
■ Digital data should be arranged in a table. The tables should not be bulky. Each table should have a sequence number and a title. The table numbering is consecutive. Abbreviations of words in the tables are not allowed, except for units of measurement. Numerical values in the tables and in the text should be given in the SI units of measurement (mandatory).
■ Illustrative materials (figures, drawings, graphs, diagrams, schemes) are made using graphical word processors. All figures should be numbered sequentially. Captions to the illustrations should be provided as a separate list. It is obligatory that the illustrations are mentioned in the text. The illustrations should have only those item numbers that are referred to. The list of captions should be provided on a separate sheet.
■ Drawings and illustrations should be provided as separate files in the TIFF or JPG formats with a resolution that is sufficient for high-quality printing (i.e. at least 100 image points per 1 centimeter).