Magazine subscription
Subscription price for the 1nd half of 2025 (3 numbers):
- members of the Electrocable Association - 2850 rubles.
- third-party organizations - 3000 rubles.
VAT free according to article 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
For subscription please contact: Alla Timofeeva
Tel./Fax: +7 (495) 918-1627
e-mail: kp@vniikp. ru
Our magazine is not for sale in newspaper and magazine kiosks and on newsstands. You can buy the magazine at Cabex and WIRE Russia
Subscription index in the catalog of the agency "Ural-Press" – 79943
The magazine issues are mailed directly to subscribers
Publication frequency: 6 issues a year
Volume: 48-52 pages